The Dieste Foundation. A managing body for the preservation of a legacy.
The Eladio Dieste Foundation (FED) is a non-profit organization, authorized by de Uruguayan government in 2016. Its purpose is the conservation and evaluation of the most significant works of the engineer Eladio Dieste. Likewise, it protects and share technical file whose management has been developed by the company Dieste & Montañez. There are numerous examples, plans, calculations and images of works carried out in the national territory and in countries such as Argentina, Brazil or Spain.
We promote humanist thinking and the knowledge represented in the works made with the particular technique of reinforced ceramics from Dieste. This, through promoting broad exchange with the various academic, cultural, social and educational actors interested in this legacy.
To meet these objectives, the Foundation is supported by resources from the different activities it carries out, as well as individual and institutional donations and support. In the previous years we focused on achieving the inscription of the work by engineer Eladio Dieste on the UNESCO World Heritage List, represented since July 2021 by the Cristo Obrero church of Estación Atlántida. We coordinate and carry out technical and/or exclusive visits to the main works of the engineer Eladio Dieste in Uruguay, as well as education courses and workshops aimed at various audiences, all supported by a group of national and international experts on the subject.
The Foundation is managed by an honorary Board of Directors, made up of five members who remain in office for two years and can be re-elected once. The Foundation is made up of the founding members who are designated by the Board of Directors for their merits. To enter as an Associate of the Foundation, a written request is required to be submitted to the Board of Directors, which decides on its timely incorporation.
Members of the board.
Currently the Foundation has 17 members. Among of them, the architect Mariano Arana, Dr. Marcos Carámbula and the engineer Juan Antonio Grompone, stood out, as well as some of the children of Eladio Dieste, among other well-known Uruguayan personalities and institutions such as the Canelones City Hall, the Society of Architects of Uruguay and the Association of Engineers of Uruguay.
Mariano Arana
Honorary President
Marta Dieste
General Secretary