Heritage Education
Dieste Education Project
In 2015, with the funds from the UNESCO participation program, a set of recreational and technical educational materials was developed with the aim of generating heritage assessment and conservation processes based on the social empowerment of the social and identity values contained in the texts and works by Eladio Dieste. In particular, the creative and scientific capacities represented in them are sought. Show practical examples of infrastructure and sustainable technology to children and youth o Uruguay through a multidisciplinary approach, while generating the appropriation of the values of cultural heritage and its conservation.
The material, accessible in a digital version, includes illustrations of games that represent the processes, materials, techniques and characters present in Dieste’s works, as well as graphic stories and photographs to help primary and secondary school teachers become familiar with the Dieste’s work.
The Eladio Dieste Foundation organizes, at the request of those interested, education workshops to disseminate the techniques for the use of the material, as well, as applied dynamics for students in recreational spaces and exhibitions. The cost of the activity depends on the duration of the programs, the number of children to attend, as well as the travel expenses for the facilitators who travel to the area where the activity is carried out. Courses and remote workshops are also organized with the use of Zoom as a meeting application.
For any questions, contact the Foundation’s service coordination.